Suspicion notice issued to the man who broke a reporter's camera for filming at the Lavra

Law enforcers have issued a suspicion notice to the Ukrainian citizen who broke the video camera used by an online media outlet's journalist to film a report at the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra of the Holy Dormition, the Kyiv City Prosecutor's Office reported.
According to the investigation, on April 17, a reporter working for an online media outlet was filming at a church shop located in the premises of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra of the Holy Dormition.
At that time, a man aged 48 who had volunteered to guard the premises approached the journalist.
"He tried to take the video recording equipment away from the reporter; subsequently, he physically broke off the camera mount and damaged the LED lamp. As a result of these unlawful actions, the journalist was unable to continue his legal professional work," the Prosecutor's Office reports.
The man has been notified of suspicion for deliberately obstructing the legal professional work of a journalist (Part 1 of Article 171 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). The sanction of the article provides for a fine of up to 50 tax-free minimum incomes of citizens, up to six months of arrest, or restriction of freedom for a term of up to three years.
We remind you that on April 18, the Kyiv National Police reported that an unknown man damaged the lighting equipment of the video camera used by an online media outlet's journalist to film a report at the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra. Investigators of the Pechersk police department have opened a criminal case under Part 1 of Article 171 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (obstructing the legal professional work of journalists).
As IMI learned from their own sources, the affected journalist works at the online media outlet "Nasha Versia".
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