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Shuster will file court appeal against tax office’ inspection report, which found in his studio tax violations worth 10 million hryvnias

01.12.2015, 00:34

The director-general of the production company "Savik Shuster Studio", Savik Shuster, intends to appeal in court against the inspection report by the fiscal service, which identified violations for the amount exceeding 10 million hryvnias. He reported this during the latest episode of his program "Shuster Live". One of the greatest violations the fiscal service discovered was selling the media product to the National TV Company of Ukraine for a symbolic price, because the government at that time did not have money to buy it. Now, this is seen by the fiscal service as dodging taxes that could be potentially paid from the full price of the product. The tax service’ other "findings" also looked like attempts to find fault with Shuster's studio; for example, the office refused to officially register the expenses for salaries and maintaining the staff of 100 people as the studio’s production expenses. Shuster intends to file appeal against such an inspection report. 

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