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SBU opens investigation into Zhanna Kyselyova's kidnapping by Russians

02.07.2024, 11:00
Zhanna Kyselyova; photo from her Facebook
Zhanna Kyselyova; photo from her Facebook

A case has been opened over journalist Zhanna Kyselyova's abduction by the Russians in the occupied Kakhovka (Kherson oblast), reports the Kherson Oblast Prosecutor's Office.

The investigation was initiated by the Security Service of Ukraine in Kherson oblast and classified as violation of the laws and customs of war (Part 1 of Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

The proceedings were opened following the media reports that the Russian troops kidnapped local newspaper "Kakhovska Zorya" editor Zhanna Kyselyova from her own apartment in the temporarily occupied Kakhovka for the second time on June 27.

Zhanna Kyselyova's whereabouts are currently unknown.

As reported by the Institute of Mass Information, the Russian troops have already kidnapped Zhanna Kyselyova in September 2022 and kept her in a torture cellar for almost a month. After being released, she stayed in the occupied city.

"The pretrial investigation into her first kidnapping is underway," the oblast prosecutors say.

Zhanna Kyselyova ran the district newspaper "Kakhovska Zorya" for many years and fought for its denationalization.

In 2020, she was elected a Kakhovka City Council deputy.

Kakhovka city has been under Russian occupation since February 2022.


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