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Russian propagandist Krasovsky sentenced to 5 years in prison for calls to murder Ukrainian children

13.08.2024, 13:25

Russian propagandist, ex-CEO of RT Anton Krasovsky has been sentenced to 5 years in prison with confiscation of assets for calls to murder Ukrainian children, reports the press service of the Prosecutor General's Office.

The prosecutors proved in court that Krasovsky has made public calls for genocide (Part 2 of Article 442 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

Propagandist Anton Krasovsky / Photo by @krasovkin on Instagram

The Prosecutor General's Office remarked that in a 2022 episode of his original program, the convict publicly called to drown and burn Ukrainian children to death. The episode was released on the air of Russia Today, as well as on the Russian propagandist's own channels on YouTube and Telegram, which have several hundred thousand subscribers.

The Anton Krasovsky case

On October 20, 2022, RT propagandist Anton Krasovsky had a coversation with author Sergey Lukyanenko on the air of the program "Antonyms". Anton Krasovsky suggested the a conversation that Ukrainian children who believe that Ukrainian territory is being occupied by Russia should be drowned. Lukyanenko said that in 1980 he visited Ukraine as a child, and Russian-speaking Ukrainian children told him that Ukraine was occupied by "Muscovites".

In June 2022, the Ukrainian police notified Krasovsky of suspicion of public calls for violent overthrow of the constitutional order in Ukraine, as well as of public calls for the genocide of Ukrainians. According to the investigation, in January–March 2022, he publicly called for the violent overthrow of the constitutional order in Ukraine on social media, in the mass media and on the TV channel "RT".

In August, the SBU announced that the pre-trial investigation into Krasovsky had been completed and submitted the indictment to the court. On July 18, 2023, the SBU sent him one more suspicion notice.

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