Russian editor-in-chief appointed to Belarusian Komsomolskaya Pravda

On August 31, Marina Bunakova has been appointed editor-in-chief of Komsomolskaya Pravda in Belarus, as this was reported by which cited Natalya Galeznyk, CEO of CJSC "BelKP-PRESS" (the company that publishes the Belarusian "KP").
Marina Bunakova nails from Khabarovsk. She was the editor of " in Khabarovsk", then worked in the main office of the Russian "Komsomolskaya Pravda" in Moscow.
"This was the proposal of the parent company, which I accepted as one of the options to strengthen the editorial board and to bring the company out of the crisis," Natalia Galeznik explained.
Former editor-in-chief Andriy Levkivsky, who headed the Belarusian editorial office for more than 10 years, remains the newspaper's first deputy editor-in-chief.
It will be recalled that after the presidential election, the Belarusian KP dedicated several issues to the protest ralliesy. Then the daily was printed in Russia, but there were some problems with its sale through the kiosks of "Bilsoyuzdruk" and with the distribution of subscriptions through Belpost.
On August 26, the State Audit Office came to CJSC BelKP-PRESS with an unscheduled inspection, and its employees said that the inspection would last until October 6.
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