Russia blocked Hromadske and Ekonomichna Pravda

The Russian General Prosecutor's Office initiated the blocking of the Ukrainian sites and Ekonomichna Pravda. Both blockades are due to publications about the occupied Crimea and Crimean Tatars, as Roskomsvobody reported.
“The General Prosecutor's Office recognized's materials as extremist only by two links, and since access restrictions are made via HTTPS, this is the whole website which is blocked immediately; Economichna Pravda’s website, which has one link got to the register, is also out of reach," the statement said.
As you click on the following links of a message appears on the page that "such a page does not exist."
The blocked story of Economichna Pravda "It is inadvisable for Russians to go to the Crimea and buy real estate there", it is available at the link.
It should be noted that based on the same requirement, from 03/04/2015 №27-31-2015 / Id1959-15 on measures to restrict access to information resources that disseminate information that contains calls for riots, extremist activities or participation in mass (public) rallies held in violation of the established procedure, the access Hroomadske Radio website was blocked for the publication "Russia has declared war on any dissidence -" Hizb ut-Tahrir ".
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