Roskomnadzor "warns" Ternopil website "20 Khvylyn" about possibly blocking their article

The Russian Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media sent the editors of the Ternopil news portal "20 Khvylyn" an email warning them about the possible blocking of an article published on the website. The letter was received on September 30.
Natalka Burlaku, the media outlet's editor, reported this.
"This message is a notification about being added to the 'Unified Register of Domain Names, Indexes of Internet Webites and Network Addresses, which allows identification of Internet websites containing information the distribution of which is prohibited in the Russian Federation' of the following index(es) of the website's Internet pages," the letter states.
It was about the 2013 article "In Memory of Those Fallen in The War," which described the city switching from the tradition of celebrating Victory Day on May 9 to commemorating all who died during the Second World War a day earlier, on May 8.
In her comment to the regional IMI representative in Ternopil oblast, Natalka Burlaku said that such a reaction could have been triggered by the mention of the UPA in the article as one of the affected parties during the Second World War.
"Facebook often bans us for mentioning the UPA. For example, there was a time when we were banned for an article which mentioned Halychyna Division Street in the headline. They said we were distributing content that mentions a terrorist organization. Another time, they blocked a video where the national anthem was played. We did sent complaints, but in the case of the street it didn't help – we were banned for two months. In the case of the video, we received a message that the sanctions had been lifted," the editor says.
The letter from Roskomnadzor warns: if the provider or the owner of the website does not delete the information prohibited by them, they will pass the decision "to enter the website into the Unified Register of Domain Names, Indexes of Internet Webites and Network Addresses, which allows identification of Internet websites containing information the distribution of which is prohibited in the Russian Federation, and access to it will be restricted."
As IMI reported, the Russian Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media has blocked the access to Kherson media outlet MOST for russian users.
In June, Roskomnadzor blocked access to a number of Zaporizhzhia online media outlets on russia's territory.
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