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Request by "Syla Pravdy" journalist is answered after intervention by the Human Rights Commissioner

26.06.2024, 14:53

The Soshychne Village Council answered a request by Valentyna Kuts, a journalist with the Investigative Journalism Center "Syla Pravdy", after the journalist complained to the Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights.

She wanted to know how much money the village councils were allocating to the needs of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in 2022 and 2023, reports the Investigative Journalism Center "Syla Pravdy".

The journalist submitted an information request back in February 2024 and received the answer in June, after an intervention by a representative of the Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights.

Valentyna Kuts. Photo by Valentyna Kuts on Facebook

As "Syla Pravda" reports, the journalist was requesting data on the money allocated for the Ukrainian Armed Forces and territorial defense units, as well as on the money allocated to units of the National Police, the State Emergency Service and other law enforcement agencies such as the Security Service of Ukraine or the Prosecutor's Office.

The Soshychne community refused to provide such information due to the war. The reply stated that they would only be able to provide the information after martial law is lifted. Valentyna Kuts contacted the Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights. After that, the Soshychne Village Council provided the data.

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