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Rada committees publish event announcements after the face – Chesno Movement

11.05.2023, 14:55

The Chesno Movement reported multiple cases of Verkhovna Rada committees posting event announcements on their websites after the fact. The Chesno Movement website editor-in-chief, Iryna Fedoriv, wrote about this in her column for "Ukrainian Pravda", the movement's website reports.

Namely such cases are happening on the website of the Committee on the State Power and Local Self-Government Organization, headed by Olena Shuliak, chair of the Servant of the People party.

The announcement for an event which took place on April 3 at 10:30 was added after the fact, allegedly at 12:30. The message did not even appear on the committee's website until late April. Yet, there was an announcement for this event on the website of the Verkhovna Rada.

Iryna Fedoriv notes that the Verkhovna Rada Chair, Ruslan Stefanchuk, approved the technological mechanism for publishing content the Verkhovna Rada's websites, which includes rules on the publication of announcements on the committees' websites.

In addition, the Chesno Movement noted that the committee's website posted a news report on an event which had just started, and the speaker's quote was only uttered an hour later. This is about the speech of the committee's ex-chairman, Andriy Klochka, from "Servant of the People".

The editor-in-chief provided a screenshot of him speaking at 11:27.

But on the website, the news quoting Klochko appeared an hour earlier.

"These cases clearly show that information can be arbitrarily uploaded after the fact or at an inappropriate time through the admin panels of the committees' websites. In the closed environment of the Verkhovna Rada, it is extremely important for the public to receive timely notices for events, especially those that can be viewed online. If such announcements or news appear at an inappropriate time, this indicates manipulation of the media field," Fedoriv notes.

She added that such unscrupulous experimenting with websites does not just take place in the parliament, either.

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