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Police is investigating 70 cases on Russia's crimes against media workers

06.06.2024, 15:10

The National Police is investigating 70 cases on crimes against media representatives who were killed, injured or abducted by the Russian troops. This was reported by the National Police press office.

They noted that since the start of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, at least 79 media workers have died. Some of thos had enlisted in the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Some media representatives are considered missing.

"It is thanks to journalists that everyone can see the horrors of war, that the whole world can become aware of what is really happening in Ukraine. In situations that are sometimes very dangerous, such as under the enemy's fire, journalists keep their cameras and microphones firmly in their hands. Faithful to their mission, they tirelessly defend the truth in a fierce information war with the enemy," the National Police said.

According to the Institute of Mass Information, in the two years and three months since the start of the full-scale invasion, Russia has committed 599 crimes against journalists and media in Ukraine. As of June 6, 81 media workers have been killed in Ukraine, 10 of those having died while reporting.

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