Organizers cancel Zhadan's concert in Milan because it was raising money for the UAF

In Milan (Italy), a charity concert of the band Zhadan i Sobaky, which was supposed to take place in the city on September 2 as part of the "Chartia" tour, was canceled. Serhiy Zhadan wrote about this on his Instagram.
"Why did we cancel the concert in Milan? Because some Europeans are still playing pacifism and double standards and sincerely believe that Ukrainians defending their lives and their country in some way contradicts their beliefs about peace and harmony. And that those who try to support their compatriots in the fight against rapists and looters are fascists and extremists. To be honest, this is embarrassing and disgusting. While Ukrainians are supporting the backbone of the free Europe, the Europeans are just lazily hanging out, trying to stay away from politics. It seems that the 20th century's lesson about responsibility did not reach everyone," Zhadan wrote.
He posted a chat with the concert's organizer, in which the latter wrote, "I'm sorry but it is illegal in our country to make a concert and raise up money for war."
We remind you that Zhadan i Sobaky band is raising money for the needs of the volunteer battalion Chartia, which is defending Kharkiv.
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