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Only two criminal cases for "journalist" articles have made it to court this year

17.08.2022, 16:33

In the first half of 2022, 59 acts with signs of criminal offenses under the "journalistic" articles of the Criminal Code were registered in Ukraine, of which only two cases have been investigated and brought to court. This was reported by the Prosecutor General's Office in response to a request from the Institute of Mass Information.

Out of the 59 registered proceedings:

  • 40 referred to Art. 171 of the Criminal Code (preclusion of the legal professional activity of journalists; details on Parts of the Criminal Code articles were not provided in the response)
  • 17 were filed under Art. 345-1 of the Criminal Code (threats or violence against a journalist)
  • 2 were filed under Art. 347-1 of the Criminal Code (intentional destruction or damage to journalist's property).

No proceedings have been registered under Articles 348-1 and 349-1 of the Criminal Code.

For details, see the publication.

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