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One Russian journalist severely wounded near Luhansk, dies in hospital; sound engineer killed

17.06.2014, 20:50

On June 17, the correspondent of the All-Russian State TV and Radio Company Ihor Korneliuk  was severely wounded during the mortar bombardment of the village Myrny near Luhansk and died later during the surgery.  

An eyewitness to the bombardment said that a shell hit a group of gunmen, near which a group of journalists was working. One of the journalists was holding a microphone with a logo of the "Rossia."

The filming crew’s sound engineer Anton Voloshyn died on spot. The camera operator Victor Denysov, who was with Korneliuk under the bombardment, sustained no injuries. Ihor Korneliuk, who was severely wounded during the bombardment, died during the surgery. This was confirmed by the vice chief physician of Luhansk oblast clinical hospital Serhiy Babenko.    

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