Odessa editor in chief said being threatened by chief of architectural inspection

The editor-in-chief of the Odessa edition of "USI" Olga Baklazhenko reported being threatened by the head of the State Architectural and Construction Inspection of the Odessa region Vasily Buyukli. The journalist reported the incident to a representative of IMI in the Odessa region.
According to her, in early December, after the publication of a journalistic investigation on Vasily Buyukli, he came to her home and threatened her and cursed her children.
“By the way, he knew exactly who I was, as he called me by name and showed the publications. The essence of his claim was that he was surveyed and his car was photographed, the car which was not mentioned in his tax declaration. He demanded the text of publications to be modified. He pronounced curses to my children, he said he would deal with it. He took the information on me in the databases and came to my house with demands,” Olga Baklazhenko said.
The official also called the police to her home, and she had to explain what she was doing.
The journalist told that she did her journalistic work in accordance with the current legislation and did not violate the privacy of his life.
“To a large extent, the story was based on the registers data. I took some pictures of his property. Also I had checked the information about his car he was using for several years, whether it was mentioned or not in his tax declaration. After that, the functionary, who, according to my information, has very serious ties in the law enforcement, called the police to my house, allegedly due to the fact of surveyance after him. However, I could explain the police officer that I was doing my work legally. ”
According to Olga Baklazhenko, after the police officers left, Vasyl Buyukli went on threatening her with some consequences for her publications.
To protect her family and protect her rights, the journalist filed complaint to the police. On December 11, the data were submitted to the National register of pre-trial invvestigations under the Article 345-1, Part 1, of the Criminal Code of Ukraine ("Threatening or violation committed against the Journalist").
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