NPTU confirmed imminent staff reduction in regions

Member of the Board of the National Public Broadcasting Company of Ukraine (NPTU) Mykola Chernotitsky, who is responsible for administrative and economic management and regional development, confirmed the imminent staff reductions in the region branches. He said it interviewed by Detektor Media.
"In order to implement the new concept of regional broadcasting, we have been indeed scheduling future changes to the staffing list," he said.
According to Chernotitsky, a large-scale change in the processes of work of regional teams will take a long time, and gradual changes, preparation, and establishment of cooperation between the branches will last all this year.
“We want to launch the interregional platform (content accumulation and dissemination system) by the end of 2020, and until then our preparative work is going to be continued. In fact, we want to launch these processes of our own production under the new concept, to see how everything works, to adjust as needed, ” Mykola Chernotitsky said.
IMI reported that the Central Directorate of the National Public Broadcasting Company of Ukraine (NPTU) has submitted to the branches a new staff list, which lists reduced number of staff positions in the regions, as “Detektor Media” reported citing its sources of information.
As “Detektor Media” could learn, they prepare some staff reduction in the regional branches. Some of them have to cut down almost 50% of positions, from 90 to 43-47 positions. They have to reduce the number of staff in branches that have editions of national minority languages (according to the concept of regional broadcasting of PJSC "NSTU " for 2020-2021, such as "UA: Transcarpathia", "UA: Odessa" and "UA: Bukovina" ), and the combined Donetsk and Lugansk oblasts, which broadcasts into the controlled and temporarily occupied territories of “UA: Donbass”. It is also known that the new staff list includes 116 employees on “UA: Donbass” channel, 23 less than today.
Currently, there are 1950 people employed at NPTU's branches.
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