NPTC rebranded

National Public Television and Radio Company of Ukraine is to be officially called a joint stock corporation and will have a new address. On August 19th, relevant amendments to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers dated of December 28, 2016 №1039 were approved by a new resolution at a government meeting, as Ukrinform reported.
“On November 16, 2017, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the Law “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Concerning the Simplification of Running Business and Attracting Investments by Issuers of Securities”, which amended a number of laws regulating the issue and circulation of securities, regulation of the stock market and corporate governance, in particular in terms of determining the type of joint stock company and the distribution of powers between the general meeting (sole shareholder), the supervisory board and the executive body ", - the explanatory note said.
Also, along with this law, some amendments were made to the Law “On Public Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine” and the word “public” was removed from the name of the public joint-stock company “National Public Television and Radio Company of Ukraine”.
In addition, by the decision of the Kyiv City Council dated 11.10.2018 761876/5940 “On renaming the street in the Shevchenkivskyi district of the city of Kyiv” Melnykova Street was renamed to Yuriy Ilyenko Street.
As well, the government decided to approve the Charter of the NSTU in a new edition, and henceforth the full name of the TV and radio company - the joint-stock company "National Public Television and Radio Company of Ukraine", abbreviated - JSC "NPTU". Also, according to the decision of the Kyiv City Council, the location of the TV and radio company was changed - st. Yuri Ilyenko.
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