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"Novynarnia" chief editor joins the UAF

20.11.2023, 16:44
Photo: Dmytro Lykhoviy on Facebook
Photo: Dmytro Lykhoviy on Facebook

The "Novynarnia" chief editor, Dmytro Lykhoviy, has enlisted into the Armed Forces; in the meantime his duties will be performed by Lesya Shovkun, wrote Lykhoviy on Facebook.

He said that he is the fifth person from the milieu around "Novynarnia" and their NGO to join the UAF after the start of the full-scale invasion. The sixth person is on the way.

"Taken together, it's almost a half of our team, if you count the most active freelancers. That's 'Novynarnia' for you. We chose this niche and this topic ourselves in 2016: 'News from Ukraine at war,'" Lykhoviy wrote.

According to him, only women will remain in "Novynarnia" until the martial law is lifted. Most of them either have husbands or fathers in the army, or they are front-line and army reporters themselves, while also working in volunteer / veteran projects.

Dmytro Lykhoviy does not deny that "Novynarnia" may change due to the additional workload. But, according to him, the team will do everything to keep the bar both in terms of quality and quantity of content – articles, videos, social media posts.

Dmytro Lykhoviy also noted that he enlisted after receiving a conscription notice.

"This is my first conscription notice for the entire war. So, from one job, which I considered my calling and necessary in the current situation, I am switching to a different service, no less necessary," the journalist wrote.

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