MPs proposed to prohibit media to justify or deny Russian aggression in Ukraine

The MPs registered a bill in the Verkhovna Rada proposing to prohibit the mass media to justify, recognize legitimate or to deny Russia's armed aggression against Ukraine in 2014.
Bill # 5101 “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine (on Prohibition of Production and Distribution of Information Products Aimed at Promoting the Actions of the Aggressor State)” was registered in the Parliament on February 18, as “Detector Media” reported.
The draft law was submitted to the parliament by deputies from the “European Solidarity”, “Voice”, “Servant of the People” factions, as well as some members of the “For the Future” and “Trust” parliamentary groups.
"The adoption of the law will strengthen the effective counteraction to collaborationism and other hybrid threats during the ongoing military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, strengthen the protection of state sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine," the explanatory note read.
The MPs proposed changes, in particular, to the laws on print press and on television and radio. They are going to ban to mass media justifying, recognizing legitimate, denying the Russian armed aggression against Ukraine in 2014, in particular by presenting this aggression as "internal conflict", "civil conflict", "civil war" and denying the temporary occupation of part of Ukraine. The MPs proposed to ban mass media to glorify Russian militias, Russian-controlled militants, representatives of occupation administrations and self-proclaimed bodies controlled by Russia by defining them as "insurgents", "militias", "polite military men".
The bill also seeks to allow the court to ban political parties and restrict the activities of public associations whose actions are aimed at eliminating Ukraine's independence, forcibly changing the constitutional order, violating the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state, undermining its security, illegal seizure of state power, and propaganda of war. , violence, incitement of interethnic, race, religious hatred, encroachment on human rights and freedoms, public health, propaganda of communist and / or National Socialist (Nazi) totalitarian regimes and their symbols; violation of equality of citizens depending on their racial, national, regional affiliation, religious beliefs, disability and other grounds; dissemination of information containing justifications, recognition as lawful,denial of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine.
In addition, representatives of the same factions and parliamentary groups registered another draft law on February 18 - # 5102 “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine (on Strengthening Criminal Liability for the Production and Distribution of Prohibited Information Products)”. "The bill aims to counteract hostile information influence by means of criminal-legal mechanism in the conditions of the ongoing hybrid war between the Russian Federation and Ukraine," they explained the purpose of the bill.
People's Deputies proposed to add to the Criminal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine:
-Art. 435-1 “Insult to the honor and dignity of a serviceman, threat to a serviceman” - for insulting, threatening or damaging property to servicemen and their close relatives or for making and distributing materials for this, they are asked to punish from three to five years of deprivation of liberty or imprisonment for the same term;
-Art. 436-2 "Justification, recognition of lawful, denial of armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, glorification of its participants": for justification, recognition of lawful, denial of armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine offer to punish by correctional works to two years, or arrest to six months, or deprivation of freedom up to three years;
-for the production, dissemination of materials containing justification, recognition as lawful, denial of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, offer punishment of restriction of liberty for up to five years or imprisonment for the same term with or without confiscation of property;
-if these acts are committed repeatedly, either by an official or an organized group, or with the use of the media, then it is proposed to imprison for a term of five to eight years with or without confiscation of property.
It will be recalled that on October 5, 2020, Oleh Dunda, a MP from the “Servant of the People” faction, registered in parliament the bill # 4188 “On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine“ On Television and Radio Broadcasting ”to Counteract Information Warfare ” , which is to prohibit any denial of the fact of military aggression of the Russian Federation, its occupation of part of the territory of Ukraine and fact of a hybrid war against Ukraine.
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