MIP agreed entry for 70 foreign journalists to the Crimea for last 18 months - Dzhaparova
Since September 16, 2015 Ministry of Information Policy agreed entry for 70 foreign journalists to Crimea, including BBC, Daily Telegraph, The Guardian, Times, Bild, Washington Post, Associated Press. First Deputy Minister of information policy of Ukraine Emine Dzheparova reported this on her Facebook page, "Detector Media" said.
"Some of them turn to us for several times. We didn't detect any problems during procedures,"- she wrote.
According to her, the State Migration Service gives permittings for entry Crimea to foreign journalists, not MIP.
"Foreigners get in to Crimea through Ukrainian checkpoints and the State Migration Service responsible for permittings," - she wrote.
According to Dzhapar, the permitting procedure involves request a statement to the MIP, journalists send it electronically, and then appeal to the State Migration Service, the service issues the permition. She noted that according to the law, the journalist's personal presence at the State Migration Service is fundamental for authorization.
"Within the cooperation of MIP and the State Migration Service, journalists receive permittings in a couple of hours. Ministry of Information provides absolutely all possible advisory support to journalists and explaines details of procedure, and approves the entry to Crimea for foreign media, as fast as can," - Dzhapar wrote.
She also emphasized that entry to Crimea by air or sea is a violation of the current legislation of Ukraine, which could lead to the prohibition of entry into Ukraine. In addition, the personal presence of the journalist in the ministry is not binding because MIP can send their agreement to any territorial migration office in the country.
"Ministry had never denied foreign journalists in the entry to Crimea since the implementation of the procedure till now. MIP together with MFA and the State Migration Service are working on procedure under which the embassy will have the right to allow the entry of foreign journalists to Crimea. The proposal is on the stage of approval at the moment,"- she added.
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