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Luhansk journalist Volodymyr Martynov was taken prisoner by Russia in 2022

06.06.2024, 10:35

Photo from Volodymyr Martynov's archive

Volodymyr Martynov, a journalist from Novoaidar (Luhansk oblast), was taken prisoner by the Russian occupiers in December 2022. He confirmed this to the representative of the Institute of Mass Information in Luhansk oblast.

He says that Russian troops broke into his house on December 10, 2022. While "searching" the place, they packed various things away and broke his music instruments.

"One of them, probably the commander, said: 'You will tell us everything now, or we will take you away.' I say: 'What should I tell you? Take me, if you have something to report.' They let me put on my jacket and shoes. They put a bag over my head. Twisted my arms behind my back and shoved me into the car. I prayed and tried to guess where I was being taken," Volodymyr recalls.

He was taken to Luhansk, but he never realized where exactly. He heard the city noise and a sound similar to a tram. He was kept "in the cellar" for 18 days.

According to the journalist, no investigators visited him during this time, he was never interrogated or charged.

They kept him in a cell together with another man. He was never allowed to shower during the entire time. His cellmate and he had a bucket for a toilet, which would only be replaced when it was full.

On December 28, no lunch was brought to the prisoners, and later people in camouflage and masks entered the cell and ordered Volodymyr to come out.

He and, as it turned out, another man, were taken to an unknown destination with their hands tied and told that they had to untie themselves and get home in 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, Volodymyr freed himself and saw his acquaintance next to him. The other man had also been detained on December 10. Volodymyr managed to get to his sister, and then went back to Novoaidar. Over time, left the occupied territory with some help.

Now he lives in Pristina (Kosovo) on a program for Ukrainian journalists and works as a freelance reporter.

Volodymyr suspects that an acquaintance who would quarrel with him and hold opposing views snitched on him to the Russians.

According to IMI, 29 Ukrainian journalists are currently in Russian captivity.

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