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List of sources of verified information about the events in Belarus

18.08.2020, 00:39

Institute of Mass Information provides the list of the verified sources of information about the events in Belarus. 

The list is prepared with support of the Swedish institute FOJO and Belarus project Ме

TUT.BY – The largest information portal in Belarus, which covers 67% of all online media users of Belarus. Every day, its pages are visited by over 2 million users, who view almost 12 million pages. Every month, the portal gets more than 100 million views of its pages. A professional team works for the portal, which presents information following all standards of journalism. Owing to this, the portal is always among the leaders in the monitorings for standards of the information journalism MediaIQ.

BelaPAN  – the oldest information agency in Belarus, created in 1991.

Produces news in Belarusian, Russian and English in real time. Has a reputation of independent, valid and dynamic source of information. Information of BelaPAN are published by largest media outlets in Belarus, and are quoted by many international radio stations and TV companies.

" Belarusian news" – the first Belarusian online newspaper, project of the information company BelaPAN, tells about the most important events in the country and in the world. Coverage of Belarusian audience is 8.29%. – one of the most popular Belarusian resources, which in the beginning was publishing information about digital equipment, also has catalogues of various equipment for sale, a forum, but in practice, became the second largest information resource after TUT.BY. Coverage of Belarusian audience – over 24%. Every day, 1 million 400 thousand people read news here. Every month, 40 million pages are being viewed.

Euroradio – independent radio station and multimedia portal, main language of broadcasting and texts is Belarusian, but the website also has a Russian version. The broadcasting is performed from Warsaw, journalists work in Minsk, they have an accredited correspondent office. It covers social and political events, and culture. Monthly audience is about 3 million people.

Nasha Nyva – legendary first Belarusian newspaper "Nasha Nyva" was founded in 1906 and brought back in 1991. Now it is published only in online form. The media outlet supports Belarusian national culture and language. It has a section in Russian. They were the first media Belarusian outlet to introduce paid subscription. They also publish monthly printed edition “Gistoriya” and two printed magazines for children in Belorusian. It is the leader by audience coverage in the Belarusian language segment of the Internet (

Salidarnasts – the media outlet was founded in 2006. It used to be a printed newspaper, now it is a website. The media outlet does not have any physical editorial office, it tracks key political, economic and social events in Belarus and in the world, it is famous for its social and political journalism. – city magazine (about Minsk), founded in 2012. Focuses on the problems of the city and city residents, social topics, and, together with the city residents, is forced to go deeper into politics. The website has over one million unique visitors per month – Belarusian office of Radio Liberty. – "Reformation" (, media project of Fedor Pavliuchenko and his like-minded individuals about reforms and changes in Belarus. The project "Reformation" was established as a site to discuss reforms in Belarus in 2016. – advertises itself as “smart lifestyle magazine”. Its mission is to be a site for active people who take interest in the world and for whom critical thinking is lifestyle. Lifestyle of a progressive person is not only about fashion, series and bars (even though, you have to admit, life would be more boring!). It is also about education, national identity, financial literacy, rejection of discrimination and even political views. KYKY exists since 2010.

The – website of Minsk city, publishes local news. 

Mediakrytyka –  portal about trends and media events in the country and the world. Created in 2012. Analogous to Ukrainian "Detector media". Website

Belsat – Belarusian TV channel that broadcasts from Poland. The only independent TV channel in the country. The journalists of the channel work in Belarus and constantly stay on the top of events. The TV channel has no accrediation in the country. The status of its journalists is practically "illegal".

BAJ – Belarusian association of journalists, which will celebrate 25 years since foundation in 2020. The only association that protects the rights of independent journalists and media, defends the freedom of press. Monitors violations of the rights of journalists and of mass media. The most expedient and accurate information about the detained Belarusian and foreign journalists is there. Website (blocked on the territory of Belarus). They have a Telegram channel

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