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File a complaint published media monetization guide

23.11.2021, 16:15 published a practical guide in which the editorial board shared its experience in co-financing the media by its readers. The guide could be downloaded here.

The editors summed up their 20 months of experience in crowdfunding, building a regular contribution system and working with the community. During this time, has been supported by almost 6,000 people, more than 1,000 did so on a regular basis. At present, more than a quarter of the editorial board's salary fund is covered by readers' contributions.  

The manual contains the main achievements and mistakes, as well as useful experience of national and local Ukrainian media. 

"Based on the experience of the team, we have created the first Ukrainian-language practical guide "How to encourage readers to pay for quality content? " It is useful for democracy when there are many independent and financially viable media, and because there is a lot of such information in English and it is free, we decided that our handbook should be available for public, so that more journalists can use it in their work, " the author of the manual Maria Kryuchok said.

At the beginning of the pandemic, in March 2020, adjusted its business model. The team launched a fundraising campaign to co-finance the editorial board with readers' money: advertising budgets fell and the issue of dismissals arose. 

The campaign was successful, so over eighteen months, created and tested various models of attracting readers' money and advertising campaigns and made a lot of experiments.

In June 2020, conducted several trainings for regional journalists to share their experiences. 

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