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Kam'yansk: unknown throw "Molotov cocktails" at printing office

03.04.2017, 15:09

Unknown threw "Molotov cocktails" at typography of the city in Kam'yansk, Dnipropetrovsk oblast, on March 31. Director of the printing office Tetiana Kulinych binds the incident with published newspaper "Antymafia."

As the senior inspector of monitoring at Kam'yansk Police Department Olena Tymchenko reported, city police received a emergency call, that building of printing office is in the fire at 4.40 a.m.. At the scene, police found that unknown threw bottles with flammable mixture into the windows of printing office. Law enforcement officers saw three seats of fire on the pavement and extinguished it. Fortunatelly, bottles with inflammable mixture didn't make it inside, the walls and windows of the building were in soot, inside the office there was smoke, online outlet informs.

Police seized rags and bottles. The incident included into the Unified Register of pre-trial investigations according to Art. 296 part 2 (hooliganism). The investigation continues.

Director of the printing office Tetiana Kulinych binds incident with published newspaper "Antymafia", according to "Detector Media".
"Printing office is more than 100 years old, and such an event happened for the first time. We took layout "Antimafia" for printing from Miloslavskyy on Thursday(editor - Ed.). At 20:30 it was ready, but Miloslavskyy came for it in the morning next day. At the same time, unkown people started to gather around the printing office, but they left the place after police arrival.

About 4 a.m. bottles started flying into the windows. Fortunately, the printing equipment was not affected, but part of order has been damaged. Miloslavskyy circulation did not damage, he took its early morning by taxi,"- she said.

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