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Investigator journalist Illya Lukash joins the UAF

13.08.2024, 12:39

Hromadske investigator journalist Illya Lukash reported that he had enlisted in the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

He has he has officially been in the Armed Forces since August 2.

"However, the last formalities have just been completed. I volunteered, I knew where I was going and why," the journalist said.

He noted that the army bureaucracy is greatly exaggerated.

Journalist Illya Lukash. Photo by Illya Lukash on Facebook

As the IMI reported earlier, Dmytro Zhabotynsky, the digital editor of the Kharkiv outlet "Gvara Media", enlisted in the National Guard.

"Suspilne Chernihiv" camerman Dmytro Falchevsky voluntarily joined the UAF. Earlier, "Ukrainian Pravda" photographer Dmytro Larin did the same.

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