Inter TV crew assaulted in Kyiv: journalist beaten and equipment damaged

On June 6, an Inter TV crew was assaulted, as they were filming an interview for the social talk show "It does concern everyone." Journalist Diana Stepanenko was punched in the face and the camera was broken, as Inter TV reported on its website.
A 75-year-old woman from Kyiv turned to the editorial office of the program "It does concern everyone" for help, saying that she was systematically abused by her own granddaughter and her husband. Journalists went to the woman's house to talk to her and to record an interview.
The journalists were attacked by husband of the complainer’s granddaughter.
"We went into the corridor because our heroine wanted to show her granddaughter's broken door handle," said journalist Diana Stepanenko. - We didn’t know that he was in, the apartment was quiet. He jumped out back of us, smashed fist in my face. I was very lucky that the blow was tangential, but the bruise remained. He rushed to the cameraman and damaged the camera. He dragged the elderly woman back into the apartment and closed the door. And then an even bigger nightmare began: we heard beats, her rales and moans. It's scary to imagine what was going on there, but the microphone and headset that were on the heroine, we then collected throughout the apartment in pieces. We immediately called the police, who calmed down the attacker. "
Patrol police and an investigative task force arrived at the scene. According to the results of the inspection of the victim's appeal, the Desnianskyi Police Department of the State National Security Service in Kyiv initiated criminal proceedings on June 6 under Part 2 of Article 345-1 of the Criminal code of Ukraine ("Deliberate infliction of beatings, easy or average weight of bodily injuries to the journalist, his close relatives or family members in connection with implementation by this journalist of lawful professional activity"). The sanction provides for restriction of liberty for up to five years or imprisonment for the same term.
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