In Kropivnytsky they gave no access to polling station to journalist and observers
31.03.2019, 13:19
In Kropivsnysky at the polling station # 35019 the head of the election committee made attempt not to let in a journalist and several observers who were going to attend еру sitting of election committee at 6.45 a.m., as an observer at the polling station Yulia Bocharova-Tuz informed,as to CBN.
The head of committee told that “all will get in together with voters”. After some consultation to law enforcement bodies, at 7.15 a.m. the head of the election committee authorized to get in and attend the sitting and opening of safe deposit.
Ali Safarov, IMI lawyer told this was obstruction to professional activity of journalist, in conformity to the alinea 4th article 13, alinea 9 article 28 of the Law “On election of the President of Ukraine” ther representatives of the mass media have right to attend all sittings of election committees, including preparative sitting of the election committee before starting of voting. Obstrustion to the journalists to fulfill their professional activity is entailed by the criminal liability stipulated by the article 171 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, he said.
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