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In Ismail, editor’s car was burned after publication about city mayor’s corruption

15.12.2014, 13:51

On December 11, in Ismail (Odeska oblast), the editor-in-chief of the local internet media outlet “Inforechye” and of the newspaper “Nasha Magala”, Stanislav Tuhay, found his car burned by unidentified individuals after he published materials about the facts of corruption in local authorities. 
The editorial office of the media outlets states that this crime is directly related to the journalist's professional duties, and claims that the criminals who did this are connected with the city mayor, Andriy Abramchenko, who earlier already had made several attempts to disrupt the work of the media outlets using law enforcement agencies. The staff of the mentioned media outlet states that they possess have undeniable proof of the mayor’s corruption.

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