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In Chernivetsky region clergyman of Moscow patriarchate seized telephone from journalist

11.03.2019, 18:10
On March 10th, during an assembly of religious community in a village Rygach (Chernivetska region) a clergyman of the Moscow patriarchate impeded the work of Galyna Yeremitsa, journalist for online edition “Chernivtsi Online”, as she informed the IMI correspondent in Chernivtsi region. The religious community was to examined the issue of conversion of the faithful from Moscow patriarchate to the Ukrainian orthodoxe Church. There were some clash during that meeting. “A clergyman of the Moscow patriarchate assaulted me at the territory of the church, Galyna Yere;itsa said. As I was filming of the assembly the pater Seraphym wrested my mobile phone that I took to film the event and put it in his pocket, so the video filming was stopped then”, she said. The journalist lodged a complaint on obstruction to her journalistic activity to the police, she complained as well that the law enforcement bodies present at the place failed to react during the incident.
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