In 2016, the police submitted 31 cases of violations of journalists' rights to the court
In 2016, law enforcement officers sent 31 criminal proceedings for crimes committed relatively journalists to the court. This information was reported to IMI by the Prosecutor General's Office.
Thus, 30 criminal proceedings for indictment and one - the agreement on reconciliation were sent to the court.
19 proceedings were sent to court under Part. 1, Art. 171 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (Obstruction of legal professional activity of journalists (Willful obstruction of legal professional activities of journalists));
1 proceedings ch. 2, Art. 171 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (Obstruction of legal professional activity of journalists (Persecution of a journalist for the performance of professional duties and criticism, by an official, or a group of persons upon their prior conspiracy));
3 proceedings under Part. 1, Art. 345-1 of the Criminal Code Ukraine (Threats of murder, violence, destruction or impairment of property made in respect of journalists, or his close relatives in connection with his/her professional activities);
6 proceedings under Part. 2, Art. 345-1 of the Criminal Code Ukraine (Willful infliction of minor or medium grave bodily injury on a journalist or his close relatives, in connection with his/her professional activities);
2 proceedings under Part. 1, Art. 347-1 of the Criminal Code Ukraine (Willful destruction or impairment of the property owned by a journalist or his/her close relatives, in connection with his/her professional activities).
As IMI reported earlier, in 2016, there were 264 registered violations of the freedom of press, which is 15% less than in 2015 (310 cases, in 2014 - 995 cases) on the territory of Ukraine not under occupation,.
In 2015, the 11 criminal proceedings under Article 171 of the Criminal Code were brought to the court.
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