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In 2016, law enforcement officers handed to a court 31 cases on violations of journalists' rights

14.03.2017, 16:25

During 2016 the police on the basis of previous years sent 31 indictments to the court regarding journalists. This is stated in a reply IMI received on the request to the Presidential Administration. The request was about the condition of investigation of crimes related to obstruction of journalistic activities in 2016. The office of the Prosecutor General provided the Presidential Administration with this data.

Law enforcement officers accommodate 102 proceedings under Part. 1, Art. 171 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (Obstruction of legal professional activity of journalists (Willful obstruction of legal professional activities of journalists)). 

Under this article, taking into account the violations over the past years, law enforcements sent 20 incriminating acts to the court.

9 indictments were taken to the court under Part. 1, Art. 345-1 of the Criminal Code Ukraine (Threats of murder, violence, destruction or impairment of property made in respect of journalists, or his close relatives in connection with his/her professional activities). Law enforcements considered 35 violations under this article;

Police took into account 4 violations, thus only 2 indictments were taken to the court under Part. 1, Art. 347-1 of the Criminal Code Ukraine (Willful destruction or impairment of the property owned by a journalist or his/her close relatives, in connection with his/her professional activities).

In addition to the above, Presidential Administration said that criminal proceedings over the past year under Articles 348-1 (attempt on the life of journalist) and 349-1 (Capture journalists as hostages) of the Criminal Code are not accounted. The Presidential Administration is reffering to the Prosecutor General office data.


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