IMI starts admission for two safety trainings on firing range
The Institute of Mass Information will hold two three-day security trainings for journalists and freelancers covering events in combat zones. The trainings will take place in the conference hall and on the training ground, where the participants will practice the acquired skills and pass stress tests.
Training will take place on ? 14-16 and 20-22 July 2021 in Kyiv. Media professionals who have experience in combat zones and have not passed any security training for the last three years, and media professionals who are going to work in the war are invited to participate in.
The experienced trainers will teach planning and risk assessment, planning a business trip to the combat zone, equipment for journalists, the peculiarities of behavior during the shelling of small arms and artillery, aviation. They will speak of the ways, how to protect oneself from mines, traps, stretch marks. They will teach how to work amid mass riots, they will train to modus operandi amid evacuation of wounded persons or fleeing pursuers.
One day will be devoted to providing emergency pre- medical care in the war zone and medical equipment needed to work in the war.
At the firing range, participants will be able to practice the acquired knowledge and skills. Simulations of attacks, detentions, evacuations, injuries, etc. will be carried out.
Media workers from Kyiv and the Kyiv region are invited to take part in. Three additional trainings are planned for journalists from the regions of Ukraine, which will be announced soon.
? To participate, you must complete the QUESTIONNAIRE by July 8, 2021.
Seats are limited.
? Meals and transport to the landfill will be provided.
The trainings will be conducted with the support of the American people, which was provided through the USAID project "Media Program in Ukraine", which is implemented by the international organization Internews Network. The content is under the sole responsibility of the Institute of Mass Information and does not necessarily reflect the views of USAID, the US Government or the Internews Network.
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