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IMI research: one in ten news of online media outlets of the so-called "LPR" and "DPR" includes hate speech towards Ukrainians, 11% of news - fake

24.02.2017, 13:55

According to the results of the IMI monitoring, one in every ten news items of online media outlets of the so-called “DPR” and “LPR” includes overt hate speech. At that, the predominant majority of such news (95%) is related to Ukrainian public and authorities: “junta of Kyiv”, “occupational authorities”, “the Nazis”, “punitive expeditioners”, “Kyiv clique”, “Banderites”, etc.

In addition, 11% of the materials published on the resources analyzed by IMI turned out to be fakes, that is, contained invalid or false information. At that, 87% of all fakes were about events in Ukraine, in particular, in the area of ATO.

In addition to explicit hate speech, online media outlets of the so-called “DPR” and “LPR” included many news with negative sentiments against Ukraine and Ukrainians, both in the headlines and in the text proper. For example: “Spring was signified by rampant protest marches and general antagonism to the junta of Kyiv”“Former punitive expeditioner Sviuk “destroyed” his “Azov”: They are just tattooed carrion”“Near Kyiv, hunters with thermal sights shoot people at nights”, “The Fourth Reich: in Kyiv, books are burned in furnaces”, etc.

“It will be difficult to painlessly integrate into Ukrainian society the people, who have been staying in the intentionally distorted information space the local media created on the territories beyond the Ukrainian government control. Local population is under influence of propaganda that instigates antagonism and exacerbates fear and xenophobic attitudes towards Ukraine. For this reason, it is extremely important to restore the broadcasting of Ukrainian mass media on these territories, and to alleviate the influence of this propaganda”, said media expert Olena Holub, the supervisor of IMI monitoring programs.

As IMI reported earlier, the online mass media on the non-government controlled territories of Donbas, 82% of materials about the self-proclaimed authorities of the so-called “DPR” and “LPR” are commendatory, 8% are neutral, and no materials with criticism whatsoever.


The monitoring was conducted on 8 most popular websites of the so-called "DPR" and "LPR". The research was conducted by IMI experts during January-February of 2017. In total, 2,097 news items were evaluated.

More details about the methodology can be found at the IMI website.

The monitoring was conducted by the experts of the Institute of Mass information supported by the Ukrainian Confidence Building Initiative (UCBI), financed by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

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