IMI expert explains what mechanisms the organization uses to improve Ukrainian media

The Institute of Mass Information impacts the improvement of the Ukrainian media space and media outlets through its projects such as the list of transparent and sustainable media and the map of recommended media outlets (created together with "Detector Media"), said IMI analyst Olena Holub at the conference "Self-regulation in Ukraine: What the media lack?" on March 28.
"We decided to take baby steps and started influencing the quality of the media instead of creating self-regulation organizations. We have several projects that impact the quality of the media and, subsequently, self-regulation, including this list of transparent and sustainable outlets. We can tell the society that they can trust these outlets and get high-quality, verified, reliable information from them," said Olena Holub.
According to her, the IMI also partnered with Detector Media to create a similar project – a recommended outlets map, which is for the regional media. "We are creating a list of online outlets and television companies that we believe are trustworthy at the regional level," the expert added.
Olena Holub explained that these projects affect media self-regulation through the institute of reputation.
"After all, reputation is still a thing, and the media want to be included in one or another list of high-quality media. To do this, they contact the IMI and ask what shortcomings we have noticed in their work. We talk to them, point out mistakes, and they correct them. This primarily applies to editorial policies. The media actively started introducing editorial policies, list them on their websites and adhere to them. Because openness is one of our criteria," noted the IMI analyst.
The Institute of Mass Information (IMI) is a Ukrainian public media organization that has been operating since 1996. The IMI defends the rights of journalists, analyzes the media field and covers media-related events, fights propaganda and disinformation and has been providing media outlets with safety gear for trips to the combat zone since the start of the Russo–Ukrainian war in 2014.
The IMI carries out Ukraine's only freedom of speech monitoring and keeps a list of high quality and sustainable online media outlets, documents Russia's crimes against the media committed in the course of the war on Ukraine. The IMI has representatives in 20 oblasts of Ukraine and a network of "Mediabaza" hubs to provide journalists with continuous support. The IMI's partners include Reporters Without Borders and Freedom House; the organization is a member of the International Organization for the Protection of Freedom of Expression (IFEX).
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