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IMI analyst Olena Holub teaches Zhytomyr students to identify high-quality media

19.04.2024, 13:43

Olena Holub speaks at the Ivan Franko University of Zhytomyr. Photo by Oksana Trokoz

Olena Holub, an analyst at the Institute of Mass Information and a member of the Independent Media Council, gave two lectures to Zhytomyr students on April 18.

The expert specializes in journalism standards and ethics, media self-regulation, Russian propaganda narratives and manipulation. Olena also co-authored the methodology for the List of Transparent and Sustainable Media Outlets (the White List) and the Recommended Media Map.

She discussed these topics with students of the Ivan Franko University of Zhytomyr and the Zhytomyr Polytechnic University, reports the regional IMI representative.

The Ivan Franko University of Zhytomyr. Photo by Oksana Trokoz

"First of all, I wanted to get to know Zhytomyr students. It is very important for us to talk to future media workers about self-regulation in the media, about the white lists. So that when they come to their media outlets to work, they know what to pay attention to and, accordingly, worked to improve Zhytomyr's media," said Olena Holub.

During the lecture, Olena told the future journalists about the criteria that a media outlet must meet in order to be included in the Recommended Map or in the White List.

Olena Holub's lecture for the students of the Ivan Franko University of Zhytomyr. Photo by Oksana Trokoz

She joined the students in examining the most egregious examples of journalism standards being violated. Moreover, students were given several news stories to analyze on their own and determine which report violates the standards. The most proactive students received prizes from the IMI.

"I personally enjoyed it, because I love when we have such manifestations of informal education at our university, when we are given lectures not by our professors, but by some invited experts. It is very cool when we are told something from practical experience. Not what is written in a textbook somewhere, not just some theory, something ephemeral. I found listening to Ms. Olena very interesting. She talked to us about creating this Recommended Media Map. And it's cool, because this person in standing right in front of you. I personally perceive information better this way," said Sofia Zinchuk, a student at the Ivan Franko University of Zhytomyr.

Olena Holub's lecture for the students of the Zhytomyr Polytechnic University. Photo by Oksana Trokoz

"I was curious to hear about the Recommended Media Map, which includes verified, high-quality media outlets. It's a tool you can rely on when you're looking for credible information. I was interested to hear that the outlets that I follow are on the White List. That made me sure of my choice. I was subscribed to Trukha, but now I'm thinking about deleting it," Oleksandra Tsvetkova, a student of the same university, shared her impressions.

According to Vadym Slyusar, head of the Philosophy, History, and Mass Communications Department of Zhytomyr Polytechnic University, using materials by the IMI during his university's seminars is a standard practice.

Right now students study the rules of infohygiene in such classes as "Propaganda and counter-propaganda", "Propaganda and manipulation", "Strategic communications".

"Knowing how to work with information is necessary for every person in our digital age. It is nice that practitioners with such respectable background as experts of the Institute of Mass Information take part in the education process. The criteria for the White List of media outlets, the specifics of self-regulation of the media – a topical subject presented by Olena Holub. I was pleasantly impressed by the expert's thoughtfulness and desire to achieve maximum objectivity when evaluating media outlets. The proposed interactive task allowed us to see the successful results of the work of both IMI experts and our teachers," said Vadym Slyusar.

Olena Holub's lecture for the students of the Zhytomyr Polytechnic University. Photo by Oksana Trokoz

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