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Hromadske Radio temporarily unabailable in Nikopol due to power outage

13.09.2024, 15:58
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The Hromadske Radio transmitter in Nikopol (Dnipropetrovsk oblast) is temporarily out of order due to a blackout, reports the broadcaster.

The repairs will take several days. The transmitters of several other radio stations are also down.

"We advise our listeners to follow the news on our online application and on social media," said the Hromadske Radio CEO Kyrylo Lukerenko.

On September 13, the oblast military administration chair Serhiy Lysak reported on Telegram that Russian troops had targeted the Nikopol region with drones and artillery on the night of September 13, damaging an electric power line among other things.

On September 9, 2024, Hromadske Radio reported that they had had to dismantle their equipment in Hirnyk, Donetsk oblast, due to a difficult safety situation.

On August 26, 2024, Hromadske Radio transmitters were not working in Kyiv and Hirnyk (Donetsk oblast) due to power outages.

On August 26, Russia mass-bombarded Ukraine with missiles and Shahed drones, causing powr outages in many oblasts. "Ukrenergo" has ordered to introduce emergency blackouts due to the Russian attack on Ukraine's energy infrastructure.

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