Hromadske adopted journalism standards for vaccination coverage

The editorial board of the Hromadske Radio has adopted standards for coverage of vaccination, as Hromadske reported on its website.
The editorial board will avoid to divide people into "anti-vaxers" and "pro-vaxers".
“We have to keep in mind that between the poles pro and contra, there are a lot of shades - and all these people are our audience. If anyone hasn't seen this recent UNICEF study, it's worth a look at it. This includes our audience. We recommend to leavr the "antivaxer" word for garbage sites. As well as "vax". There are more options: vaccinated / unvaccinated, those who support / those who are against, and there are also those who are neither pro, nor against - they do not have a definite opinion, "- they said in the recommendations.
Radio hosts on author's and broadcasts can share their experience and motivation about why one should or not get vaccinated.
"You can and should quote experts, give references to conversations and broadcasts (for example, we have several new anti-fake projects" Detox " and" Faketron " ). But we should not incite to get vaccinated or not on the air. We cannot say "vaccine is safe" on behalf of the anchorperman or anchorperson. Because we, as journalist, cannot assume such a responsibility. We can only talk about the reaction of our body, this is our experience, "- said in a statement. At the same time, the editorial office will not tolerate calls about "killing children."
The editors advise to involve experts to give one’s answers about the safety of vaccination: “Also remember that in most cases you have an expert on the air, involve them to give one’s answer. And they can convince the audience of the safety of vaccination as they please. We do not cure, vaccinate or issue restraining orders for unvaccinated people instead of the government. We are not Facebook, where the world is black and white. We inform, give a three-dimensional picture and promote the scientific approach. "
The editorial staff of the radio advocates to distinguish between fact, assessment, attitude and position.
“But we also have to raise doubts, to speak about risks and to warn about. And we can give expert answers to them. We will not convince everyone to get vaccinated, this is not our task. Our task is to provide as many quality arguments as possible against the global conspiracy of pharmacists. And we should not divide the world and the audience, push away those who hesitate, and insult those who disagree with us, ”the statement reads.
As IMI reported, on October 28, the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting launched monitoring of television and radio programs to supervise misinformation about COVID-19.
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