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Hackers attacked Ukrainian media sites and placed Russian flag with Z and V letters

17.03.2022, 22:22

The work of a number of Ukrainian central and regional media sites was affected with aninterference, some of them have placed Russian flag and St. George's ribbon.

The picture also shows the letters Z and V, which mark the military equipment of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, participating in the invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022.

In particular, the cyber attack on the site was reported in the telegram channel Hromadske Radio.

“Right now Hromadske radio has been hit by a cyber attack: Our technical team is already working on this! ”the statement reads.

Censor.Net and Donbass News sites were also hacked .

According to IMI regional representatives, the Kherson site MOST, Volyn sites Pershiy, Buh and Visnyk suffered the same problem.

In Zaporizhzhya, journalists from the Zaporizhzhya Reporter reported that the site had been hacked. At about 6 pm, when trying to access the main page of the site's news, a tricolor and St. George's ribbon appeared on the screen. 

The site of the Independent Public Portal has been trageted in the Khmelnytsky region. The site is currently up and running.

The Odessa sites Odessa.Online and Bessarabia Inform faced the same problem.

Poltava site Kremenchug Telegraph reported that it is working to fix the problem.

Novyny Poltavshchyny reports that the site is temporarily down and isfixing this problem.

The reason for hacking

Head of Digital of Hromadske Radio Serhiy Omelchenko said that the reason for the hacking was an attempt at a mass unauthorized display of unacceptable advertising. The source of these adsis one of the most popular Redtram traffic exchange systems in Eastern Europe. HromadskeRadio tookdown the Redtram code from the site and restored access to it.



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