GPO: law enforcement bodies investigate 242 cases in crimes against journalists

In Ukraine, law enforcement is currently investigating 242 criminal cases over crimes against journalists.
Oleh Pylypyuk, official of the Office of the Prosecutor General, said it on September 17 at an online discussion "Security of journalists in Ukraine: actual challenges and ways to get it over," as “Detektor Media” reported.
He said that since beginning of the year 2020, law enforcement officers have opened 484 criminal proceedings for crimes against journalists, but the investigation was currently underway in only 242.
He added, the courts were currently considering 60 cases: in 2020, they received 21 indictments and issued 11 sentences in cases related to the crimes against journalists.
The spokesman with Interior Ministry Artem Shevchenko clarified that in 2020 the National Police registered 148 proceedings for crimes targeting journalists, including 111 cases under Art. 171 (obstruction of lawful professional activity of journalists) and 37 under Art. 345-1 (threats to kill a journalist) of the Criminal Code. He added that in 10 proceedings the indictments were sent to court, another 61 were closed.
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