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Freelance journalist Oleksandr Lapshyn goes missing in Kharkiv

14.06.2024, 13:06
Freelancer Oleksandr Lapshyn, photo by
Freelancer Oleksandr Lapshyn, photo by

Oleksandr Lapshyn, a freelance news contributor to "Ukrainian Pravda", has gone missing in Kharkiv, reports Kharkiv Today.

As the media outlet notes, citing Oleksandr's relatives and friends, he left his apartment on May 29 without his documents or a phone. He never came home and has been out of contact.

"Nothing suggested that he had any problems. The day before he talked to his parents, to his brother, everything was fine. He usually never left his phone behind and was always in touch. What could have happened that day is unclear," said Oleksandr's relatives.

Freelancer Oleksandr Lapshyn, photo by

Oleksandr Lapshyn has been doing volunteer work since the start of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

His relatives have filed a statement with the police and are asking for help to search for Oleksandr. The Ministry of Internal Affairs has added him to the missing persons database. Anyone who has seen him or knows any details about his disappearance can dial 102 or call his brother at 0506158283.

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