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Facebook now ranks your reactions above your likes

06.03.2017, 16:04

Now Facebook informs us it’s changing how these interact with your News Feed: reactions will affect post ranking slightly more than Likes. The outlet Novoe vremia reports, referring to The Next Web .

The company says it’s found that reactions are “an even stronger signal” that you want to see a post than a Like. Makes sense; a ‘Like’ is still the default interaction with a post on Facebook and are only vague indicators of your interest in a post. Reactions require a long press or hovering action, and by nature indicate stronger emotions.

Facebook also revealed a few fun facts about the feature. Aside from Likes, ‘Love’ is by far the most popular reaction, consisting of “more than half” of them. Christmas had more reactions than any other day and again, Love was the most popular. I mean, who doesn’t love Santa?

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