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DW explains why they fired a Ukrainian journalist

25.07.2023, 14:00

DW Akademie's project assistant Margarita Zakharchuk was dismissed because the temporary project that she worked in based on a fixed term contract ended on March 31, 2023, in the regularly scheduled project time.

This was explained to IMI by DW communications officer Carla Hagemann.

"The external funding for the project and hence for her position ended on this date. Deutsche Welle fully complied with its legal obligations as an employer according to Ukrainian labor law throughout the entire process and beyond March 31st, 2023," Hagemann stressed.

According to her, the company paid Margarita Zakharchuk the legislatively required compensation in full and offered her assistance seeking new employment opportunities.

As Carla Hagemann notes, the offer was refused by Zakharchuk.

"Since Ms. Zakharchuk left Ukraine, DW has kept regular contact with her and made all information transparent to her," wrote the DW Corporate Spokesperson.

As IMI reported, journalist Margarita Zakharchuk claimed that DW fired her during her maternity leave, even though a month before that she had discussed options for further cooperation with the management.

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