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Due to complaints of Russian bots, Youtube twice blocked account of PTV UA Poltava TV channel

22.03.2022, 13:00

YouTube has twice blocked the channel of the Poltava TV channel PTV UA, and broadcasts of the channel on Facebook are deleted due to coverage of the large-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine. 

Yulia Kostenko, the editor-in-chief of PTV UA TV channels, reported it on her Facebook page on March 22 .

"Hate speech: the main YouTube channel PTV UA has been blocked, broadcasts on Facebook are taken down. We stay on T2 in the region, our tg-channel keeps working, visit our website and subscribe to all backup sources, ”she said.

He citeed the language of hostility as the reason for blocking YouTube, said the editor of the IMI representative in Poltava region. According to her, this happened for the second time. 

The journalist added that their YouTube channel was currently unblocked, but she didn’t exclude it could happen again.

Yulia Kostenko noted that they were blocked due to complaints from Russian bots against some of their stories on YouTube.

“We receive warnings because of storiess about corpses, even though we are blurring them on, music (changing on ready-made videos or frames), shots of aggression and shelling / explosions (sounds). Also for speech: aggressive statements towards the occupiers. We often present the horrors of the racists - and their bots flood us with complaints and comments on hundreds with the thesis "surrender, lay down your arms, you will all die, Putin will save you…" - said in a comment to IMI representative in Poltava region Yulia Kostenko.

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