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Death threats to war reporter Anna Kalyuzhna: Police opens case under two articles

20.06.2024, 17:39

The police have opened proceedings over death threats to the war reporter Anna Kalyuzhna.

Anna reported this in a comment to IMI.

According to her, the proceedings were opened under two articles:

  • preclusion of the legal professional work of journalists (Part 3 of Article 171 of the Criminal Code);
  • threats to a journalist's loved ones (345-1 CCU).

Anna Kalyuzhna / Photo by Anna Kalyuzhna on Facebook

Anna Kalyuzhna noted that she started receiving death threats following her criticism of a post by TV presenter Yanina Sokolova, who wrote that the battlefield "needs reserves urgently."

On June 19, 2024, war correspondent Anna Kalyuzhna said she had received death threats to herself and her parents. According to the war reporter, the threats were made after a conflict with an Assault Brigade No. 3 battalion commander Dmytro Kukharchuk.

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