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Committee on Freedom of Speech concerned with rhetoric of Russian propaganda in foreign media

30.03.2022, 18:43

The Committee on Freedom of Speech is concerned with the Russian propaganda’s rhetoric coming out in foreign media, as this was said on the website of the Verkhovna Rada. According to the statement, the author with The Washington Post associated the notions of nationalism, extremism, Nazism and "Azov" to the representatives of the Azov Regiment.

In addition, the committee notes that during a broadcast on Al Jazeera after a speech made by Ukrainian parliament officials on the developments at the front, the editors gave the floor to representatives of the aggressor country, ostensibly to "present an alternative point of view, as required by the principle of freedom of speech."

The committee believes that "the above examples are a vivid illustration of how the substitution of concepts occurs. In an unnoticed, low-key, as if for the sake of democratic standards."

In addition, the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Freedom of Speech reminds that "Russia started a full-scale war in Ukraine (…). The main weapon there was the propaganda media. It is significant, in on soil of other countries, they disguised their propaganda activities under democratic slogans about freedom of speech. In fact, they were engaged in propaganda and hybrid aggression. Many democracies realized this danger and banned the Russian media on their territory. "

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