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CCD: Russian propaganda is building an illusion of "happy life" in the occupied territories

22.05.2024, 18:02

The Center for Countering Disinformation at the NSDC reports that Russian officials claim to have allocated billions to projects in Ukraine's temporarily occupied territories, but such claims are part of the propaganda.

The Center explained that for all the claims about the large sums Russia is allegedly investing in the development of the occupied territories, the Russian authorities are unable to provide aid to the residents of the Belgorod apartment building a segment of which was destroyed by an air defense system, according to the official story.

"The Russian government and the occupation administrations talk about billion-dollar subsidies to support business, the agricultural sector, and even culture in the TOT. This is how the occupying state tries to create the illusion that it cares about these territories and purportedly provides them with a better living situation than Ukraine did," the CCD reports.

They noted that Russian officials' promises are an attempt to "bribe" the locals in the occupied territories in an effort to gain their support and loyalty.

"In reality, even if money is allocated, it ends up in the pockets of collaborators, while local Gauleiters impose high taxes on businesses. As incidents such as the Belgorod building show, the Russian reality is far from what propaganda headlines portray," the CCD notes.

As reported earlier, Russians are creating a new propaganda outlet "Novoe.Media", which is set to operate in the occupied territories of Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson oblasts. The occupiers plan to launch the network in small towns by the end of the year.

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