CCD names new Telegram channels that support the enemy and can not be trusted

The Center for Countering Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council has posted an updated list of hostile Telegram channels operating in Ukraine and urges not to trust them.
Namely, the following channels have been added to the exposed enemy telegram channels:
- Ukrainsky Format
- Ukraine.Special operation.Monitoring
- Medved
- Open Ukraine | Otkrytaya Ukraina
- KhtoSho
- Ukraina Novosti
The CCD reminded that since the beginning of the russian army's invasion, the Center, in cooperation with partners and readers, has been constantly monitoring, noticing, and eliminating hostile resources in the information space.
According to the CCD, most of these Telegram channels have already changed their rhetoric to pro-Ukrainian, although there are still those who support the enemy.
"Never trust these channels, as they spread misinformation, fakes and manipulations," the Center said, urging readers to let them know if they found a new channel that pushes pro-russian narratives or openly misleads its subscribers.

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