In May, the experts of the Institute of Mass Information registered, in total, 29 cases if violations of freedom of press (April – 17, March – 24, February – 34, January – 13). The largest number of violations was registered in the category “obstruction to lawful journalist activities” – 12. This number somewhat grew compared to April, when 9 cases were registered (March – 9, February – 18, January – 5). This data is provided by monthly monitoring of IMI “Freedom of press barometer”.
Violations of freedom of press were registered by IMI experts in 13 regions.
The most violations were registered in Kyiv and in its oblast - 13 cases, two cases were detected in each of Dnipropetrovska, Donetska, Mykolaivska and Cherkaska oblasts, in other regions - one case in each.
The people who were violating the rights of journalists were predominantly private individuals, law enforcement officers, and representatives of local authorities.
In addition, in May IMI registered 6 cases of beatings - this is the largest number of such cases compared to other months (April – 1, March – 5, February – 2, January – 0).
Also, in March IMI experts registered 2 cases of each of the following violations: threats, cyber-attacks, and attacks against offices of mass media.
At the same time, 1 case was registered in each of the categories “access to information”, “detention”, “political pressure”, “damaging of journalists' property” and “censorship”.