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20.02.2012, 03:20
Organization title: nongovernmental organization “Institute of Mass Information” (IMI)

1) Monitoring of six national editions was conducted (“Fakty”, “Segodnya”, “Economicheskie Izvestiya”, “Korrespondent”, “Ukrajinskyi Tyzhden”and “Komentari”) for compliance with journalistic standards and posting the so-called “jeans”.

2) The most egregious violations of journalistic standards and "jeans" were posted on blogs (Telykrytyka, Livejournal, TweetDeck). Alexander Akymenko blogging.

3) Article by Oleksandr Akymenko was published
 “On objectivity of "tests" and "Comments”

4) The section of IMI web-site on monitoring of standards and “jeans” was developed:
The web-site consist of 3 sections of monitoring, two of which are:
-    Monitoring of standards
-    Monitoring of “jeans”.
Also the site includes regulations on monitoring in the form of banners on the page
-    Methodology of monitoring
-    Journalistic standards: regulatory reference
-    Journalistic standards: information reference
-    Journalistic standards: social advertising
-    Jeans: information reference

5) Methodology of monitoring conduction was elaborated and posted, with detailed description of goals, tasks and procedures of its conduction

6) Videos on social standards of journalism and media literacy were collected and posted

7) According to the results of monitoring journalistic standards and "jeans" the following materials were written and distributed:
1. Press release on monitoring standards. June 2011
2. Press release on monitoring “jeans”.  June 2011

8) According to monitoring results the reports were written and posted on the IMI website.

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