20.02.2012, 03:09
Organization title: nongovernmental organization “Institute of Mass Information” (IMI)
1) Monitoring of six national editions was conducted (“Fakty”, “Segodnya”, “Economicheskie Izvestiya”, “Korrespondent”, “Ukrajinskyi Tyzhden”and “Komentari”) for compliance with journalistic standards and posting the so-called “jeans”.
2) The most egregious violations of journalistic standards and "jeans" were posted on blogs (Telykrytyka, Livejournal, TweetDeck). Alexander Akymenko blogging:
• Open letter to pharmaceutical company AS OlainFarm
3) Article by Victoria Syumar was published.
Again about the diseases of Ukrainian journalism
4) A normative reference on journalistic standards, which is now placed in the press release and monitoring results was developed. The main legal sources, which reflect these standards, are the Code of Professional Ethics of Ukrainian journalist, a Journalist Code of Ethics, Declaration of Principles on the Conduct of Journalists, and international standards and principles of journalistic ethics.
5) According to the results of monitoring journalistic standards and "jeans" the following materials were written and distributed:
1. Press release. The level of “political jeans” has risen in April.
2. Monitoring of standards in national editions
3. Monitoring of «jeans» in national standards
3. Monitoring of «jeans» in Donetsk editions
4. Monitoring of «jeans» in Crimean editions
5. Monitoring of «jeans» in Lviv editions
6) The official letter of response was written to the request of edition “Economicheskie Izvestiya” according to the results of monitoring and with offered suggestions. The official leter of response with detailed analysis and full offer was sent to the edition “Economicheskie Izvestiya” and the editor LLC “Invest Group”
7) During a month the conduction of monitoring in the regions was coordinated. Regions were sent and explained the normative reference on journalistic standards
8) According to monitoring results the reports were written and posted on the IMI website.
1) Monitoring of six national editions was conducted (“Fakty”, “Segodnya”, “Economicheskie Izvestiya”, “Korrespondent”, “Ukrajinskyi Tyzhden”and “Komentari”) for compliance with journalistic standards and posting the so-called “jeans”.
2) The most egregious violations of journalistic standards and "jeans" were posted on blogs (Telykrytyka, Livejournal, TweetDeck). Alexander Akymenko blogging:
• Open letter to pharmaceutical company AS OlainFarm
3) Article by Victoria Syumar was published.
Again about the diseases of Ukrainian journalism
4) A normative reference on journalistic standards, which is now placed in the press release and monitoring results was developed. The main legal sources, which reflect these standards, are the Code of Professional Ethics of Ukrainian journalist, a Journalist Code of Ethics, Declaration of Principles on the Conduct of Journalists, and international standards and principles of journalistic ethics.
5) According to the results of monitoring journalistic standards and "jeans" the following materials were written and distributed:
1. Press release. The level of “political jeans” has risen in April.
2. Monitoring of standards in national editions
3. Monitoring of «jeans» in national standards
3. Monitoring of «jeans» in Donetsk editions
4. Monitoring of «jeans» in Crimean editions
5. Monitoring of «jeans» in Lviv editions
6) The official letter of response was written to the request of edition “Economicheskie Izvestiya” according to the results of monitoring and with offered suggestions. The official leter of response with detailed analysis and full offer was sent to the edition “Economicheskie Izvestiya” and the editor LLC “Invest Group”
7) During a month the conduction of monitoring in the regions was coordinated. Regions were sent and explained the normative reference on journalistic standards
8) According to monitoring results the reports were written and posted on the IMI website.
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