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In Mykolaiv, city council member hit journalist with door trying not to let him into his office

27.07.2017, 21:48
On Wednesday, July 26, the member of Mykolaiv city council from the party «Nash Krai» Vladyslav Yentin while trying to push the journalist of the online media outlet "Svidok.Info" Andriy Prokopenko from the office of the city council secretary, hit him with the door. This was reported by IMI regional representative. According to Prokopenko, he tried to enter the room together with police officers who were supposed to deliver to Yentin the protocol on untimely filing of the income declaration. But the council member, after letting in the officers and the council secretary Tetiana Kozakova, tried to close the door in front of the journalist saying, «And what are you supposed to do there?». The journalist tried to get in, but the city council member tried to push him out with his leg. He tried to force the door closed and pinched the hand of the journalist in the process, letting him in only after repeated requests to do so by the secretary. Chairman of the Mykolaiv oblast administration Oleksiy Savchenko, in reaction to this incident, requested police to open a criminal proceeding and to investigate the impediment to the journalist's work, as, according to the law, the journalists have a right to be present on such occasions, and asked all governmental officials to uphold this law.
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